Surveyeah Reviews and Features

Surveyeah website screenshot


Via De Amicis, 47, Milan,    20123 IT
Tel: +39 340 4703497   Contact: [email protected]
Operated by: Tradatech SRL


payment icon

checkmarkCash paid via PayPal checkmarkAmazon gift cards checkmarkDonations to charity

study types icon

checkmarkOnline surveys

payment info icon

checkmark No points system
Varies by country; $10 USD / £10 / 10 Euro minimum account balance required to request a Paypal payment or Amazon gift card code.

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Surveyeah, part of Tradatech SRL, based in Italy, is an online survey site. By registering, you will participate in market research to outline the features of products not yet launched on the market. You will receive the paid surveys by email and when you complete them you will earn rewards!

Payment and Rewards

surveyeah website

Survey Payments

For each survey you successfully complete, you will earn between $0.50-$2.00, depending on its length and duration. Survey points will be fully credited to your account once the survey is fully closed.

Payment Options

Get paid by your choice of: a Paypal payment, Amazon voucher, or other cash transfer option. By sending an email to customer service, you can opt to receive your cash via Skrill, Western Union or Moneygram. You may also donate your points to charity if you wish.

The minimum balance required to request a reward vary by country. In most countries, a $/€10 account balance is needed for an Amazon e-gift code, and $/€20 for a PayPal payment. Skrill, Western Union, and Moneygram payments require a higher account balance, typically averaging around $50. Check Surveyeah's website and click the 'Rewards' tab for the payment minimums in your country.

Visit Surveyeah's website 

Survey Taking Experience

Survey Frequency

Depending on your region, you may receive surveys weekly, or anywhere from 2-4 surveys monthly, depending on availability.

Survey Lengths and Duration

Most online surveys take between 5-15 minutes to complete, although they may be as short as 1 minute and as long as 45 minutes.

Surveyeah is Big on Privacy

When you create an account with Surveyeah, you will not be required to provide your full name, nor your physical address. Payments and vouchers are sent digitally to your e-mail address. Surveyeah prides itself on providing maximum transparency and respect for your privacy.

Excellent Customer Service

If you have a question or concern about your account, Surveyeah is easily contactable via email and through Facebook. Receive a personalized response to your inquiry - no canned replies here! With over 130,000 fans and counting on Facebook, they are committed to providing their members with the best possible survey taking experience.

Surveyeah App

A dedicated Surveyeah app on Google Play or the Apple Store is not currently available. However, many surveys are mobile friendly and can be accessed and taken from your phone.

Is Surveyeah Legit or Scam?

surveyeah legit or scam

Is Surveyeah Legit?

Surveyeah is a legitimate online survey site that is not a scam, as it has been in business for over 10 years and its members have redeemed more than €1 million in rewards. The company operates out of Italy and helps users voice their opinions in a safe and rewarding way. Surveyeah is available in 123 different countries around the world.

As with any survey site, member experiences may vary, so before joining, it's advisable to read the Surveyeah reviews below, so that expectations are met.

Eligibility: Worldwide 18+

Surveyeah Reviews (21)

5 Star Reviews (5) 23.8
4 Star Reviews (2) 9.5
3 Star Reviews (4) 19.0
2 Star Reviews (1) 4.8
1 Star Reviews (8) 38.1

Sort Reviews By: Date | Highest rating | Lowest rating

Points/rewards ratio...

January 30, 2024 by Aaron from United States

...I signed up, completed my profile and took a look at the points/rewards ratio for completing surveys. It seems to me it is very low compared to other panels. I'll monitor but for now I can do much better on the other panels.

My review

May 22, 2023 by Cynthia from Nigeria

I love surveyeah, they are doing great. I have been using it for more than three years now and I can boldly say that it is a great app to earn cool cash.

Real or fake

May 19, 2023 by Josiah from Kenya

It's real and interesting and I recommend it to everyone. I have been a member for the last two years and it has never disappointed me in terms of payment and server performance.


May 2, 2023 by Mohammednur from Ethiopia

This survey is available in my country but still now it is not paying me.

Survey screening

October 20, 2022 by Florence from Kenya

I have been using Surveyeah since last year. I have never cashed out any amount but am hoping before the end of this year the surveys will increase and will not Terminate or screen me out all the time. It is a bit slow but hoping to reach the amount after receiving one survey within those remaining months.